December 14, 2010

It's about time!

Closed Captioning was unavailable so here are the reporter's comments:

Santa knows all languages, even American Sign Language. At Barton Creek Mall Wednesday night, deaf kids around Central Texas had the chance to tell a signing Santa their every Christmas wish.

The Egbert kids eagerly await their chance to meet him. Xavier wants a dinosaur. Isadora is asking for a computer, an IPod, some clothes and a camera. And for two-year-old Amelia, this is her first time to talk to Santa.

"I think it's cool, it's very nice, I'm very thankful they get this opportunity," the kids' father, Clyde Egbert, tells us.

Isadora knows Santa won't come to her house until December 25th, but says she's excited to talk with him ahead of time.

"This is the only time for us that we're able to communicate with Santa," adds Clyde.

The North Austin Optimist Club helped bring Signing Santa to the mall so deaf kids around Central Texas could tell him all they want for Christmas. For several hours, a line of excited kids wait to meet this Santa who understands them. Employees with the Texas School for the Deaf estimate there were about 200 kids there

December 10, 2010

It's Christmas Time!

Well, I've taken a 3 month break from the blog... and sadly, I'm disappointed. I've had so much going on that I should be recording but its just been crazy! Since I don't have time to write everything, I'll just highlight.

In October Robert & I went to Montana for my cousin's wedding and it was beautiful up there.  I went shooting for my first time, as well as golfing at the Beaverhead GC where Greg and Sara were married. It was great to see all my cousins and to have my Mom's side of the family completely together.  When we got back I couldn't believe in only 4 days how much Tuck grew! He's doing great though and is really a great puppy. He's now 5 months old and going to be neutered this next week (so he doesn't have to wear the cone of shame for Christmas!)

November was pretty much school, school, school. I did get to go to Apple Hill with my parents, Jen and Alix and we had a great time.  We took pictures, ate delicious apple donuts, tri tip sandwiches, and of course apple cider. It was an all around great day!

Since December has started I finished wrapping all Christmas gifts (I was done with shopping before Thanksgiving!) and signed up for my last semester in college--WHOO! We have our tree and decorations up and are getting into the Christmas spirit as best we can with our busy schedules.  I also was released from Primary after teaching, Sunbeams, CTR 4 then CTR 5 for two years.  It has definitely been hard not to see those adorable kids every Sunday, but Relief Society has whole-heartedly invited me in and made me feel completely welcome.  Since I was up in Primary since the first week we entered the Wilton Ward, it still feels like I don't know too many adults if they don't have children in Junior Primary.  I've loved going to RS events so far though and look forward to many more.  I am especially grateful for the Christmas season and for the overall happiness this world seems to embrace.  There are so many awful things in this world, but instead of focusing on the bad, we all get a chance to reflect on our Savior's birth and all that the Lord has and still does for us.  I am looking foward to what this Christmas brings and am especially grateful for the gospel in my life and the guidance it gives me!

September 23, 2010


It's crazy how time flies by without you even realizing it! To back track to my last post, I wasn't able to go test out the GC Turkey Creek but did enjoy a fun time at Dry Creek in Galt with my Dad, Uncle Ranse, and Robert. I scored a 106 and was thrilled! It's my best score yet and I really enjoyed the course.

As for this month, here are some highilghts

Sept. 1st--
 I started my Fall  2010 semester (2nd to last semester--YAY!). Classes are fabulous and I have said so many times "You know you love your major when you read weeks worth ahead in your school books just because you can't get enough!"

 Sept. 3rd--
Watched Ranse's first home game as starting QB for the JV team (although he's a Freshman!) They won and had an awesome game! So far they have been doing great! You can read about their latest game here.

Sept 4th--
Per Robert's request to add to the blog (although he rarely looks at it!), he went solo to Dry Creek and scored HIS best score in golf yet......96!  He is quite excited to try out another golf course next week in MT  (Info at the end of  the post).

Sept. 6th--
Was our 2 year mark of our first date and how did we celebrate? By getting this little angel... We named him Tucker.  He was 8 weeks when we bought him and he is a Miniature Australian Shepherd. It was the perfect choice for our smaller living space but still he's going to be a "dog-size" (according to Robert and not a "rat-dog" size). He has been a perfect puppy! We both just adore him.  I've been wanting a dog for awhile and Robert's reasoning for getting a dog was, "Makiya was neglecting Emily".

Sept. 11th--
Picked up Elder Brady Campbell from the Airport. He returned from his 2 yr. mission in Texas. First time we actually met as brother & sister-in-law.

Sept. 18th--
Daddy Campbell graduated from University of Pheonix with a Bachelor's in Business Management.

We also are headed to Montana next week to attend my oldest cousin's wedding! It will be the first time in awhile EVERYONE from my Mom's side of the family will be together and I am so excited to see them all! After that we head down to Utah and back home for quite a weekend full of driving!

August 19, 2010

It's August??

I was absolutely floored when I saw on the calendar 8/1/2010....I thought--WHAT?! (Imagine the adorable little minion from Despicable Me saying that!) And is going to be the 19th tomorrow! GOOD-NESS! Where does the time go? Robert and I have been busy having a blast the last month and a half. Figured I would just write an update on all the fun we've had.

 First off, my mom and dad were given the opportunity to host a foreign exchange student from France for only 3 weeks and she was so fun to hang out with. We drove into town almost every night to go spend time with her. Robert took French in high school and we knew that she would be coming so we bought a program and he freshened up on his French while I learned from scratch. We had so much fun just realizing how much more is out there in the real world and there is so much we don't think about and take for granted including different cultures, language, society, government, housing and even cuisine! We miss Claire but loved spending time with her and plan on visiting her in Chartres, France one day!

That very next week after Claire went back to France my dad went to Utah for a funeral and brought us back 3 adorable Spearman girls! Our cousins, Mikal, Nicole and Bridget (the 3 oldest in the picture) came for a week to experience the California sun but this time, without the parents! It was a short trip but still was so fun to see how big they are and how every five minutes someone is asking "Where's Robert?" "Is Robert here yet?" "Is Robert going swimming with us?" Anytime he was out of the girls' sight it was "Where did Robert go?" I have always had a close relationship with all my first cousins but I love how much they all adore Robert too! (Hopefully soon we can go visit and see the baby twins too----ooh that Sara and Brooke....SO cute!)

We also have been enjoying this Shell Gas Station promo that if you buy at least 10 gallons of gas, and a water bottle you get a free round of golf! Robert, my dad, Chad and I went and checked out Empire Ranch and had a great time! It was only my second time on a 18-hole course. Since we bought our golf sets we've gone to the range a lot. I am a lot more consistent and Robert isn't splicing his drives as much either! I scored a 115 but had some awesome holes...just some really really crappy ones too! While I'm gone this Saturday with  my parents, Jen and Alix (woo hoo birthday girl!) Robert got a bunch of buddies together and are needless to say that I am VERY excited about Alix's surprise birthday gift on Saturday, still a bit bummed I don't get to go golfing with the hub on Saturday---but very excited that he promised to take me to Turkey Creek Aug. 30th!

Finally, wanted to blog about my morning! What a morning it was! Heather told me this past weekend that the new Henry's Farmers Market in Elk Grove (where the old Circuit City used to be) was having its Grand Opening and that the first 200 customers get a free bag full of groceries. It is a new store with a lot of organic foods which are not readily available in most normal supermarkets. Heather works in Natural Foods at Raley's and knows a lot about it....but me?....I wanted free food! :) We decided-----why not! So this morning woke up a little after 4am and drove to pick up Heather. We got to the store about 4:45am and got prime parking! We ended up being # 24 and 25 in line! We stood there and watched as the time went by and between 6 and 6:30 people were storming the place to run and get in line. The store passed out coffee, muffins, cinnamon bread and tons of snacks to keep us happy.  As the time got closer to open they passed out wristbands to all those in line so we could shop all we wanted and then on our way out get our bag.  We also had the news there--KCRA 3, News10, FOX 40, Good Morning Sac on 31 and eventually 13 showed up too.  Heather was also interviewed for a radio broadcast! The store opened at 8am but we were busy waving at all the cameras and getting so excited for a free bag of groceries... We found out while waiting in line that it was 25 lbs. and worth $50. Also, Heather kept getting texts from a friend saying "Every time a news camera goes live I see you!" We ended up leaving the store about 8:45am feeling a kid on Christmas with our awesome deals and our free bag of groceries! We drove to our parents and unpacked the bags practically jumping up and down with every find.  Needless to say, we had so much fun and I took two naps this afternoon because of my exhaustion!

FYI--I finished the Host almost two weeks ago now and loved it. I started up Hunger Games which was the most suggested on my last blog post, so really excited to get into those! Thanks for the replies!

July 9, 2010

Time to read~

As summer began and with having more time on my hands I thought to myself---its the season of reading!  Ever since I read the book Holes way back in sixth grade I have loved fiction novels. No I can't say I have read a lot, or that I am an amazing fast reader, but I DO love to get caught up in a good book.  Since the day I started unpacking my boxes of books as Robert & I were moving in to our place he said, "Have you even read all those? Why do you have so many?" Over the years I have picked up books here and there as gifts or as I browse aimlessly in the LDS bookstores.  I have a little collection but I love them! I did promise I would get rid of some and I did sell about 7 online of just books I received and never really were THAT into starting up. I have so many I have started and never finished or have been wanting to read but never get to.  I remember back in summer 2007 I was able to read book after book with great friends and it was an absolute  blast so this summer I picked up some old "pre-teen" favorites like my Alias series that are just fun shorter books that I still like to read.  Also finished one my sister, Jen let me borrow "How to Stuff a Wild Zucchini" which is a LDS romance novel. It was really cute and a easy read, and I just finished yesterday "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" the short story Stephenie Meyer just put out about the "other side" of the vampires.  I am excited to keep my journey of starting to read all these wonderful books I have but at the same time, being the person I am, I have these books and can pick them up and read them anytime, so I would love any recommendations from more avid readers than I am!! I really would like to get more serious about reading (especially before I have to start reading textbooks again) so give me your favorite book, whether its for kids or 1,000 pages long---

Also if anyone knows of a fun book club that has sounded like fun for YEARS! Or if anyone wants to read a book the same time I am and we can just leisurely chat about it that would be a blast too....Let me know! Thanks for all your help!

June 26, 2010

Our recent happenings

Robert & I have sure been busy lately spending time together during the week and enjoying our weekends! The last two weeks I’ve gone with Robert to work everyday but one, usually Wednesday or Thursday just so I can get stuff done around the house too. He installs any kind of appliance, mounts TV’s, surround systems or anything to do with electrical work or plumbing. So since he is installing in different people’s homes from Galt, Placerville, Cameron Park, Grass Valley, Auburn, Nevada City, Lincoln, Davis and anywhere in between we get to hear a lot of comments. Usually when we first walk in Robert introduces himself and then says “This is my wife, Emily” but sometimes something happens and they only hear my name. I usually get some joke about “Is it bring your girlfriend to work day?” and occasionally we’ve heard “Is this your sister?” but just yesterday, not once but TWICE we were asked, “Is this your daughter?”……..

Daughter? Really? I didn’t know if this was a compliment or a slap in the face to either of us! One lady felt real bad and said to me, “Oh I stuck my foot my mouth! You just look so young! That will be a blessing when you’re 40!”

The other crazy old lady went from asking that question to “Oh…Do you have kids then?” In a matter of seconds I went from being his daughter to the mother of his children…

All I came away with is that I will never to go work with Robert without mascara on again! We had a good laugh about it all though.

This is what our sink usually looks like

We were also excited because we were able to get our hands on a completely fine working dishwasher that we turned into a fun evening project together. Since we rent out in Wilton we don’t have a dishwasher, there isn’t room to install one, and Robert & I have come to STRONGLY dislike washing dishes. Usually I cook dinner and by the time we’re done eating we both don’t feel like washing the pots/pans/utensils/plates/cups…etc. etc. so they get pushed to the next day. If I go to work with Robert, they usually get pushed to the day after that and so on…. So dishes are no fun when no one is home to clean them. So we turned a stationary dishwasher into a portable one and had a fun time doing so. It does fill a good chunk of our kitchen but we can wheel it a few feet away into our laundry room when its not being used. Robert’s face was priceless when he had it all hooked it. He said, “Look at me!!!! I’m loading a DISHWASHER!” I know most people complain about that but not Robert he was so excited! Plus with the well water when we wash by hand it just doesn’t look completely clean with the minerals in the water. The dishes came out SPARKLING and we were both ecstatic!

Just this past weekend we were able to enjoy some much needed time away from home with wonderful friends, who we consider to be family. We had Jaron, Heather and their kids Bella & Livi, as well as Heather’s sweet mom, Janet and Heather’s sister (aka our landlords), Amy, Lance and their kids Colton & Hailey. Jaron’s family were also able to come the next day.

Jaron & Heather have been working on fixing up their boat and it looks great. We camped at Don Pedro and were able to test the boat out with their awesome new speakers! Robert loved being near the water and just wanted to FISH FISH FISH! So that is what he did! He ended up getting a Blue Gill that he put back because it was obviously too small, but he did get a Large Mouth Bass. It was just within the length to keep it and he sure did! I have never seen someone catch a fish or gut it so it was quite the experience but it was thrilling! He was very proud of that fish and grilled it with dinner and shared pieces with everyone. Me, personally, thought it was gross! He said for absolutely no flavoring, it wasn’t too bad. Ugh! I was not a fan. The trip was great though and we had tons of laughs whether it be people constantly burning themselves on marshmallows or lanterns, crazy alarm clock ringtones, or Lance’s banana craze we had a blast. We also found out that Jaron & Heather are expecting another baby! Which we are so excited for them! Robert has known Bella since she was tiny and was attached to Livi when she was born and I’ve known her since she was 5 months old so it will be fun to see another little Martin!

How cool do those gills look?

June 1, 2010

Successful weekend fun...

My mother turned 50 this past weekend and she wished for a quiet night at home wth her family. We lovingly obeyed her wishes and gave her a fun night at home eating tacos and playing croquet on her actual birthday Friday, May 28th.
What my mother didn't know is for over a week before that we were planning a surprise party for her!!! We completely pulled it off. We made it seem like Friday was her nice birthday and when it came and went she had no idea she would have another one.
So after church on Sunday we ran to Heather and St John's to help decorate the backyard for an evening of fun. Everyone showed up and got ready as my mom arrived ready for a Sunday dinner at H & SJ's. She came right in and sat down on the couch as Jen ran out back to join the rest of us. Heather somehow got her to the back porch and told her that SJ had made a surprise for her that she wanted her to see before dinner. Heather walked her to the back porch covering her eyes as we all yelled SURPRISE!

It was great to see her so taken back and we all enjoyed a great evening. The food was amazing and we even got to reminisce with a Hello Kitty pinata! We finished it off with this small slideshow for some good laughs :)

I also had a great time making and decorating the cake for my mom. She has always loved Sunflowers and that's what her perfume that I've enjoyed her wearing since I was young is called. So I have loved decorating cupcakes but decided to attempt my first cake AND fondant! It was a blast to make and I'm so glad it was enjoyed even though I personally did not like the marshmellow fondant I made....but I'm not a fan of cake anyway!

May 25, 2010

Chad the Grad & Spring Fun

My brother-in-law Chad just graduated from "The School That Should Not Be Named" this past Monday May 24th at Arco Arena. Ever since I have joined the Campbell family there is always tension when it comes to our high schools. I LUCKILY went to Elk Grove High School and all the Campbell boys have gone to **whisper** Sheldon High School. Although I know that Sheldon is a good school---it cannot compare to Elk Grove! I was able to make it through the program and had a great time celebrating Chad's accomplishment. Robert & I had fun teasing each other about the school rivalry. When they started to sing the Sheldon Alma Mater I even sung

"Here's to our Elk Grove High
Praise we her name
Here's to our alma mater dear
We'll uphold her fame
Here's to our colors fair
The Blue and the Gold
Ever loyal, ever true
Hail, Hail, Hail!!!"
I didn't get a picture on my camera of all the Campbell boys because I was snapping on other's cameras but I'll steal one and put it up....eventually.
We had a great time though! Congrats Chad!

Also, last weekend we visited Mather golf course with my Dad!

I took a golfing course Fall '08 when Robert & I got engaged and really enjoyed it but haven't really gotten to test my skills since....
So recently it has become a great leisure activity for the both of us.
Robert & I just got new golf clubs and went to the driving range once to test them out, but officially get to test them on the course this next Saturday.

Although I didn't have my clubs yet when we went with my Dad, I enjoyed having fun with my camera, being the caddy, driving the cart and enjoying a beautiful day!

May 13, 2010

Practice makes perfect!

Well, I finally finished 3 finals and just have one more to dread which is next Monday. It is a great feeling to be almost done with this semester though. It is even more exciting that I have my graduation paperwork in! I would have been able to graduate this next Fall except for the fact that California has had SOOO many budget cuts and tuition increases!!! They are only offering classes every other semester since my major is still "newer", so I have to stretch out my remaining five classes into Fall and Spring rather than finishing them up this Fall.

Anyways--I am graduating Spring 2011 and can't wait! I love my major! I will be getting a bachelor's degree in Deaf Studies and a Certificate in American Sign Language. I love the language, the Culture, but most importantly the people!! I have amazing professors which have turned into 6 Deaf friends instead! I am hoping one day to go back for 2 years and get my Interpreting Cert, but when I graduate it's time to focus on the hubby and support him through school! I was going through my computer and found this OLD video of me in ASL 2. We were to make a short video about two events we went to. I have to admit, although I am signing it is not proper ASL grammar now that I have taken ASL 1-5, and a variety of other major classes which develop your skills MUCH better I can say that I was signing "English"! Although I still do not admit to be a fluent signer but I am SO much better than this video. It is still fun to see how I used to try to be precise, and sign at a calm but steady pace. Watching the progress is fun. I am not a professional with videos so I don't know how to caption or gloss for those who are "signing-impaired". Anyway, hope you enjoy!

April 21, 2010

The joys of Spring!

Well, it feels like it has been quite a while since I've posted! We have had so many fun events we've gone to!
We celebrated Robert's 25th birthday March 16th! We had a friends/family get-together at Leatherby's...yum!

Then a week before midterms my family went to DISNEYLAND! We haven't gone all together in almost 2 years...PLUS, St John had never been! So we left the day after Robert's birthday, celebrated it while we were there and also celebrated my Dad's on March 20th! We had a great time!

Believe it or not, yes my Mom AND Dad are behind Robert in this picture :)

On my Dad's birthday, Robert & my Dad left early for Disneyland while we were still waking up and getting ready. They went on Buzz Lightyear for 2 and 1/2 HOURS! They were trying to get the high score! They know all the secrets of what targets get you the most points BUT you still have to have the skills..... That day Robert got the #1 ranking!!!!! We came back later that night and it was beat by about 200k but the workers said the people got stuck on the ride right in front of  Zurg! So.....WITHOUT that advantage my Dad (BRI) and Robert (ROB) got some AWESOME scores!

Also, as most of you know, my oldest sister Jen has been working on losing weight and started up May 2009.  This picture we took in 2006 so 4 years ago!

See a difference? In a matter of 4 years, Heather & I are married, Heather is done with college, I'm about to graduate, and Jen is 80 pounds lighter and counting!!!

Look at her now!!! Sexy Sexy!

Also, Robert & I reminisced at the Snow White Wishing Well where he proposed to me Dec. 13, 2008. Now we have been married for over a year (as of March 6)

Happy 50th Pops!

Then the next weekend, March 26th, we went to see JOHN MAYER directly after my last midterm down in San Jose!!! Oh he is so amazing live! Yay for favorite singers!
(The tickets were part of my Christmas gift this year!)

Then we celebrated my 22nd birthday, Sunday April 4th. On Easter Sunday and General Conference.

(We didn't take one picture! Besides kids and the Easter egg hunt)

THEN, we celebrated Kyle's Birthday (April 13th) and saw my 2 brothers-in-law in the play Beauty & the Beast, Chad was the Beast  and Kyle was the bookseller, villager and gargoyle! My mother-in-law made all the costumes and they were exquisite!

Now we are just getting through school  and work. We do have a "mini-weekend vacation" planned for next week, but just enjoying the WONDERFUL weather!!