June 1, 2010

Successful weekend fun...

My mother turned 50 this past weekend and she wished for a quiet night at home wth her family. We lovingly obeyed her wishes and gave her a fun night at home eating tacos and playing croquet on her actual birthday Friday, May 28th.
What my mother didn't know is for over a week before that we were planning a surprise party for her!!! We completely pulled it off. We made it seem like Friday was her nice birthday and when it came and went she had no idea she would have another one.
So after church on Sunday we ran to Heather and St John's to help decorate the backyard for an evening of fun. Everyone showed up and got ready as my mom arrived ready for a Sunday dinner at H & SJ's. She came right in and sat down on the couch as Jen ran out back to join the rest of us. Heather somehow got her to the back porch and told her that SJ had made a surprise for her that she wanted her to see before dinner. Heather walked her to the back porch covering her eyes as we all yelled SURPRISE!

It was great to see her so taken back and we all enjoyed a great evening. The food was amazing and we even got to reminisce with a Hello Kitty pinata! We finished it off with this small slideshow for some good laughs :)

I also had a great time making and decorating the cake for my mom. She has always loved Sunflowers and that's what her perfume that I've enjoyed her wearing since I was young is called. So I have loved decorating cupcakes but decided to attempt my first cake AND fondant! It was a blast to make and I'm so glad it was enjoyed even though I personally did not like the marshmellow fondant I made....but I'm not a fan of cake anyway!


Pa & Ma Smyff said...

Emily- This is brilliant!!! I miss your mom so much! I absolutely love the video... Lots of wonderful memories... The cake is awesome as well.... You have talents blossoming in every area!!! Thanks for sharing this special day on you blog.... It's the closest thing I have to have being there.... Give your Mom a hug from me the next time you see her!!! Love ya, Aunt Nancy

Jenn said...

Your cake is beautiful! I'm so glad you made it. Way to go! It is one of my favorite things to do for my family!!