December 14, 2010

It's about time!

Closed Captioning was unavailable so here are the reporter's comments:

Santa knows all languages, even American Sign Language. At Barton Creek Mall Wednesday night, deaf kids around Central Texas had the chance to tell a signing Santa their every Christmas wish.

The Egbert kids eagerly await their chance to meet him. Xavier wants a dinosaur. Isadora is asking for a computer, an IPod, some clothes and a camera. And for two-year-old Amelia, this is her first time to talk to Santa.

"I think it's cool, it's very nice, I'm very thankful they get this opportunity," the kids' father, Clyde Egbert, tells us.

Isadora knows Santa won't come to her house until December 25th, but says she's excited to talk with him ahead of time.

"This is the only time for us that we're able to communicate with Santa," adds Clyde.

The North Austin Optimist Club helped bring Signing Santa to the mall so deaf kids around Central Texas could tell him all they want for Christmas. For several hours, a line of excited kids wait to meet this Santa who understands them. Employees with the Texas School for the Deaf estimate there were about 200 kids there

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