December 17, 2009

Months and months of fun....

So  now that I am completely done with finals and homework after this RIDICULOUS semester, I've been thinking....Wow, I'm awful at blogging. I grabbed my camera and started  looking at pictures and decided I'm going to post a bunch that are completely random but that have been great memories these past 6-9 months!

I hope you enjoy some....ok....TONS of pics!!

Robert and I went to Utah this summer and got to visit our cousins!
Robert LOVED them, and they LOVED Robert!

Here are Sara and Brooke!!

The babies with Popi for his birthday!

                        Here is Robert with his ladies!                       

Robert & I went tothe State Fair and we splurged on an AWESOME helicopter! He couldn't wait to try it out in our field even right after church :)

This was one of the saddest moments.... Robert & I dated on this bike and I adore it! Robert sold it to save  money (that went towards my new car!) but this was  the last time he took a spin. Yes, I did cry!

We went to a few of Bub's football games and had a  great time. Ranse was a great quarterback and it really showed that he was a team  player....THAT is why he was chosen as quarterback for the All Stars.

I also love this picture of my mom from this last summer...We were hanging out by the pool with Sandy :)

This is probably one of the most used cooking
  items! Robert loves his BBQ, my parents got it for him for his birthday! It baerly  fits on our tiny porch.
We spent a lot of time hanging out at Bub's Football games...he is an amazing team  player and an outstanding quarterback who also made All Stars this year!

During this past semester Robert, Jen, Michael and I went to the Sacramento Zoo for
Deaf Awareness Day! I went for an assignment in my ASL class but the boys had a fun time together and Michael loved  the cut outs!

Since Robert and I have been married this is one of our favorite meals...Grid Iron Casserole.

Occasionally we have Xbox parties with friends, our even family! Ranse and Kyle came over after Western Festival to eat some homemade pizza and battle it out.

Once again, here are the Thunderbirds, one of Robert's absolute favorites!
I know he can't wait until another airshow...If anyone hears of one,  let us know....

I surprised Robert with a Gondola ride down in Oakland...It was so fun, and really a nice treat.

Can you believe these pictures were taken at 6am?
Robert and I grabbed my dad's canoe and took it to Rancho Seco to do a little morning fishing!
I caught a blue gill and  had a BLAST!

This past summer we discovered Deal or No Deal in the arcades and became...

We also went on a great trip  to Bodega Bay with Robert's brother and sister-in-law

I just can't wait to have some free time to be able to have fun weekend trips or random outtings...I feel like I've been couped up in thsi bubble of work, school,  homework and sleep---where nothing else exists! Looking at these fun pictures just helped me to remember HOW MUCH Robert and I have done and even the small activities mean so much. Can't wait to make more memories, stress-free...HALLELUJAH!

November 21, 2009

Quick update....

Haven't posted in awhile and I have so much I need to write about. I have pictures from Halloween of Robert & my outfit this year, school and how ridiculous this semester has been, birthday parties, Bethany leaving for her mission, buying a new car in September and just random fun things we've done recently. I figured I'd type real fast since I had a few minutes to spare. Just this morning Robert, Jen and I went out to breakfast (which I haven't done in FOREVER!) and then went and saw New Moon. We had a great time, and I was really pleased with Summit's portrayal of the book. I have a big week ahead of me with papers, exams, Thanksgiving and my uncle, aunt and cousins coming into town!!!!!!! My cousin, Brittany just got off her mission and I can't wait to see her. There is just so much going on it sure is hard to keep up. Just wanted to say everything's great!

October 11, 2009

JDRF Walk 2009

"Michael's Crew 2009"

Every October for the past 3 years we have participated in the JDRF Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes. My little cousin, Michael was diagnosed when he was 3 and ever since our entire family's eyes have been opened and we have been very supportive in trying to find a cure. We walk on the West steps of the Capitol. Our tradition is wearing our classic Michael Crew T-shirts and dressing up as pirates since they are Michael's favorite! We dressed up the first year and it has been a theme for us every year. Even the other groups know to "look out for the pirates"!!!

We had a great time this year and encourage anyone who wants to join next year to please do so! It is truly a good family time and it is going towards a great cause! Also feel free to visit
for more events, upcoming info. or to hear about Michael's journey this year in advocating the cause to Congress, meeting the Jonas brothers, being on TV and the radio and more!!!!!

Here are just a few pictures from our fun weekend!

Michael and his doctor having a sword fight!

Meeting my new baby cousin for the first time!
The new and improved "Elk Grove Gale Gang"
The entire "Gale Gang" including:
Robert & myself
Mom, Dad, Ranse, Michael, Jen, Taylor, Reece, Heather, St John, Grandma, Reid, Uncle Darin, Sydney, Kristen, Uncle Ranse, Aunt Shelly, Joel

/Thanks goes to FastSigns for putting this together for us!

All of the cousins!!!

Uncle Darin and Ranse.
Here is a panorama of ALL the walkers for "Michael's Crew"!!!!

September 17, 2009

Terrors of the Sky...

This last Saturday, September 12th, Robert's brother and sister-in-law (Josh & Sarah) as well as the two of us ventured out to the Sacramento Airshow. We met up and took lightrail in for free! It was Robert's first ride so we had a lot of fun. Little did I know how excitement was to come. With their father being in the Air Force for 8 years, I believe, Robert & Josh grew up dreaming of planes and their "awesomeness".

If you want to see grown men act like six-year-olds again.....go to an Airshow!
Don 't get me wrong, these planes were amazing! Like nothing I've ever seen before! BUT to see a plane blast by men jump up and down exchange multi high-fives was priceless.

It was so fun to see Robert get so excited. I had no idea he knew SO MUCH about planes until we walked 10 more feet, saw another plane and he started telling me all of its best attributes and all of the P,B,F, 52, 22, 16, etc. It was crazy, but SO much fun!
I had a blast not only watc hing all these loud planes go by but I LOVED testing out my zoom!! these planes were moving so fast and so high but I think i got some great shots I wanted to share!
These performers were called "Wing Walkers". It was a girl that climbed up on the wing during flight and had no parachute or any safey equipment except for a simple lap belt.
In this picture she went by doing a headstand.

In this picture she is sideways with one leg hooked on the bar.
Upside down...with only a lap belt!
Standing and waving.
These guys were called the Patriots. Apparently there are only 30 of these in the world, so it was very rare and exciting that we got to see a B-2 Stealth Bomber.

This was a tribute to how far we have progressed with our U.S. Fighter Planes

This is the newest and best fighter plane yet. It's called an F-22 Raptor and it was remarkable to watch!

This picture below was a demonstration of what it would look like to open the bomb doors.

Here is one of the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds in a steep climb. These pilots had some amazing tricks!!

They also had older and larger planes around to go look at, and some you could even go inside!

Here are more pictures of the Thunderbirds who are the main spotlight. As you can see, there are 4 flying one way, and a fifth flying in between the opposite way.

Here's a video of all 5 doing a perfect loop.

This is called....INSANE!