Robert & I have sure been busy lately spending time together during the week and enjoying our weekends! The last two weeks I’ve gone with Robert to work everyday but one, usually Wednesday or Thursday just so I can get stuff done around the house too. He installs any kind of appliance, mounts TV’s, surround systems or anything to do with electrical work or plumbing. So since he is installing in different people’s homes from Galt, Placerville, Cameron Park, Grass Valley, Auburn, Nevada City, Lincoln, Davis and anywhere in between we get to hear a lot of comments. Usually when we first walk in Robert introduces himself and then says “This is my wife, Emily” but sometimes something happens and they only hear my name. I usually get some joke about “Is it bring your girlfriend to work day?” and occasionally we’ve heard “Is this your sister?” but just yesterday, not once but TWICE we were asked, “Is this your daughter?”……..
Daughter? Really? I didn’t know if this was a compliment or a slap in the face to either of us! One lady felt real bad and said to me, “Oh I stuck my foot my mouth! You just look so young! That will be a blessing when you’re 40!”
The other crazy old lady went from asking that question to “Oh…Do you have kids then?” In a matter of seconds I went from being his daughter to the mother of his children…
All I came away with is that I will never to go work with Robert without mascara on again! We had a good laugh about it all though.
This is what our sink usually looks like
Jaron & Heather have been working on fixing up their boat and it looks great. We camped at Don Pedro and were able to test the boat out with their awesome new speakers! Robert loved being near the water and just wanted to FISH FISH FISH! So that is what he did! He ended up getting a Blue Gill that he put back because it was obviously too small, but he did get a Large Mouth Bass. It was just within the length to keep it and he sure did! I have never seen someone catch a fish or gut it so it was quite the experience but it was thrilling! He was very proud of that fish and grilled it with dinner and shared pieces with everyone. Me, personally, thought it was gross! He said for absolutely no flavoring, it wasn’t too bad. Ugh! I was not a fan. The trip was great though and we had tons of laughs whether it be people constantly burning themselves on marshmallows or lanterns, crazy alarm clock ringtones, or Lance’s banana craze we had a blast. We also found out that Jaron & Heather are expecting another baby! Which we are so excited for them! Robert has known Bella since she was tiny and was attached to Livi when she was born and I’ve known her since she was 5 months old so it will be fun to see another little Martin!
We were also excited because we were able to get our hands on a completely fine working dishwasher that we turned into a fun evening project together. Since we rent out in Wilton we don’t have a dishwasher, there isn’t room to install one, and Robert & I have come to STRONGLY dislike washing dishes. Usually I cook dinner and by the time we’re done eating we both don’t feel like washing the pots/pans/utensils/plates/cups…etc. etc. so they get pushed to the next day. If I go to work with Robert, they usually get pushed to the day after that and so on…. So dishes are no fun when no one is home to clean them. So we turned a stationary dishwasher into a portable one and had a fun time doing so. It does fill a good chunk of our kitchen but we can wheel it a few feet away into our laundry room when its not being used. Robert’s face was priceless when he had it all hooked it. He said, “Look at me!!!! I’m loading a DISHWASHER!” I know most people complain about that but not Robert he was so excited! Plus with the well water when we wash by hand it just doesn’t look completely clean with the minerals in the water. The dishes came out SPARKLING and we were both ecstatic!
Just this past weekend we were able to enjoy some much needed time away from home with wonderful friends, who we consider to be family. We had Jaron, Heather and their kids Bella & Livi, as well as Heather’s sweet mom, Janet and Heather’s sister (aka our landlords), Amy, Lance and their kids Colton & Hailey. Jaron’s family were also able to come the next day.

How cool do those gills look?
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