My brother-in-law Chad just graduated from "The School That Should Not Be Named" this past Monday May 24th at Arco Arena. Ever since I have joined the Campbell family there is always tension when it comes to our high schools. I LUCKILY went to Elk Grove High School and all the Campbell boys have gone to **whisper** Sheldon High School. Although I know that Sheldon is a good school---it cannot compare to Elk Grove! I was able to make it through the program and had a great time celebrating Chad's accomplishment. Robert & I had fun teasing each other about the school rivalry. When they started to sing the Sheldon Alma Mater I even sung
"Here's to our Elk Grove High
Praise we her name
Here's to our alma mater dear
We'll uphold her fame
Here's to our colors fair
The Blue and the Gold
Ever loyal, ever true
Hail, Hail, Hail!!!"
I didn't get a picture on my camera of all the Campbell boys because I was snapping on other's cameras but I'll steal one and put it up....eventually.
We had a great time though! Congrats Chad!

Also, last weekend we visited Mather golf course with my Dad!
I took a golfing course Fall '08 when Robert & I got engaged and really enjoyed it but haven't really gotten to test my skills since....
So recently it has become a great leisure activity for the both of us.
Robert & I just got new golf clubs and went to the driving range once to test them out, but officially get to test them on the course this next Saturday.
Although I didn't have my clubs yet when we went with my Dad, I enjoyed having fun with my camera, being the caddy, driving the cart and enjoying a beautiful day!

1 comment:
em your pictures are really good! i like the different angles you got of your dad and robert golfing!
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