"Here's to our Elk Grove High

Well, I finally finished 3 finals and just have one more to dread which is next Monday. It is a great feeling to be almost done with this semester though. It is even more exciting that I have my graduation paperwork in! I would have been able to graduate this next Fall except for the fact that California has had SOOO many budget cuts and tuition increases!!! They are only offering classes every other semester since my major is still "newer", so I have to stretch out my remaining five classes into Fall and Spring rather than finishing them up this Fall.
Anyways--I am graduating Spring 2011 and can't wait! I love my major! I will be getting a bachelor's degree in Deaf Studies and a Certificate in American Sign Language. I love the language, the Culture, but most importantly the people!! I have amazing professors which have turned into 6 Deaf friends instead! I am hoping one day to go back for 2 years and get my Interpreting Cert, but when I graduate it's time to focus on the hubby and support him through school! I was going through my computer and found this OLD video of me in ASL 2. We were to make a short video about two events we went to. I have to admit, although I am signing it is not proper ASL grammar now that I have taken ASL 1-5, and a variety of other major classes which develop your skills MUCH better I can say that I was signing "English"! Although I still do not admit to be a fluent signer but I am SO much better than this video. It is still fun to see how I used to try to be precise, and sign at a calm but steady pace. Watching the progress is fun. I am not a professional with videos so I don't know how to caption or gloss for those who are "signing-impaired". Anyway, hope you enjoy!