So now that I am completely done with finals and homework after this RIDICULOUS semester, I've been thinking....Wow, I'm awful at blogging. I grabbed my camera and started looking at pictures and decided I'm going to post a bunch that are completely random but that have been great memories these past 6-9 months!
I hope you enjoy some....ok....TONS of pics!!
Robert and I went to Utah this summer and got to visit our cousins!
Robert LOVED them, and they LOVED Robert!
Here are Sara and Brooke!!
The babies with Popi for his birthday!
Here is Robert with his ladies!
Robert & I went tothe State Fair and we splurged on an AWESOME helicopter! He couldn't wait to try it out in our field even right after church :)
This was one of the saddest moments.... Robert & I dated on this bike and I adore it! Robert sold it to save money (that went towards my new car!) but this was the last time he took a spin. Yes, I did cry!
We went to a few of Bub's football games and had a great time. Ranse was a great quarterback and it really showed that he was a team player....THAT is why he was chosen as quarterback for the All Stars.
I also love this picture of my mom from this last summer...We were hanging out by the pool with Sandy :)
items! Robert loves his BBQ, my parents got it for him for his birthday! It baerly fits on our tiny porch.
We spent a lot of time hanging out at Bub's Football games...he is an amazing team player and an outstanding quarterback who also made All Stars this year!

During this past semester Robert, Jen, Michael and I went to the Sacramento Zoo for
Deaf Awareness Day! I went for an assignment in my ASL class but the boys had a fun time together and Michael loved the cut outs!
Since Robert and I have been married this is one of our favorite meals...Grid Iron Casserole.
Occasionally we have Xbox parties with friends, our even family! Ranse and Kyle came over after Western Festival to eat some homemade pizza and battle it out.
Once again, here are the Thunderbirds, one of Robert's absolute favorites!
I know he can't wait until another airshow...If anyone hears of one, let us know....
I surprised Robert with a Gondola ride down in Oakland...It was so fun, and really a nice treat.
Can you believe these pictures were taken at 6am?
Robert and I grabbed my dad's canoe and took it to Rancho Seco to do a little morning fishing!
I caught a blue gill and had a BLAST!
This past summer we discovered Deal or No Deal in the arcades and became...
I just can't wait to have some free time to be able to have fun weekend trips or random outtings...I feel like I've been couped up in thsi bubble of work, school, homework and sleep---where nothing else exists! Looking at these fun pictures just helped me to remember HOW MUCH Robert and I have done and even the small activities mean so much. Can't wait to make more memories, stress-free...HALLELUJAH!
1 comment:
Woo! Lots of fun stuff :) Hope you 2 have a very merry Christmas!
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