Yeah, I'm a College Graduate... and I was EXCITED! |
So, obviously, I survived those last few crazy weeks in college. I finished all my papers, projects and other deadlines and got all A's but one B. Not bad for a busy last semester. We had a fabulous ceremony on May 21st and enjoyed a delicious BBQ afterward at the Elk Grove Park with family. The actual day was so surreal because it felt like a fun celebration but in the back of my mind I kept thinking I'd be back when the next semester came around. That's just what I've always done. One of my most favorite things about the ceremony was the unity you could see from my major. The Deaf Studies major is such a tight knit group and we were all friends too. We all signed the Star Spangled Banner and **waved hands** as our fellow graduate received the Dean's Award on stage. I will definitely miss my friends, school and all the fun experiences I have had but I have learned so much and have had some great times! Also, if you know me at all, you know that I am a huge ally of the Deaf community, obviously why I majored in Deaf Studies. If you feel like reading one of my final papers here is my 15 pager titled,
"Medical Biases Decide the Fate of Your Child's Deafhood". As I had just finished writing this, I sat down and read it out loud to my parents to get their input. (Yes, I made them endure all 15 pages). At the end I was literally crying. I am so passionate about the awareness of Deaf Culture and ASL. The injustices forced upon the Deaf community are unreal and the worst part is that the majority of people have no clue what has been done. Anyway, lets not get me fired up on that subject! As of right now, I am applying for any job opening I see. I truly hope to go back and get my Interpreting Certification or by some miracle go back and get a Master's/Teaching Cred. so I can teach to Deaf children. My internship was in a Kindergarten-2nd grade class and I just fell in love with it!...One day....one day...
My biggest supporter! Could not have finished without this hunky guy! |
My two best friends...my sisters. Aren't they absolutely beautiful? |
Deaf Studies Graduates and Dr. Vicars, Dr. Rayman and Dr. Egbert! |
Oh do I love these girls: Lindsey, Becky, Libby, Torre, Sarah, Casey, Chrissy, Joey and me! |
Robert's parents and youngest brother, Kyle came too. |
The Gale Family & Popi who is also a CSUS Alumni! |
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Heather made these adorable "ILY" signs and my professors and other grads loved them!! My whole family was in the first row right as we walked in waving the signs.... I love my family!