I was absolutely floored when I saw on the calendar 8/1/2010....I thought--WHAT?! (Imagine the adorable little minion from Despicable Me saying that!) And now....it is going to be the 19th tomorrow! GOOD-NESS! Where does the time go? Robert and I have been busy having a blast the last month and a half. Figured I would just write an update on all the fun we've had.
First off, my mom and dad were given the opportunity to host a foreign exchange student from France for only 3 weeks and she was so fun to hang out with. We drove into town almost every night to go spend time with her. Robert took French in high school and we knew that she would be coming so we bought a program and he freshened up on his French while I learned from scratch. We had so much fun just realizing how much more is out there in the real world and there is so much we don't think about and take for granted including different cultures, language, society, government, housing and even cuisine! We miss Claire but loved spending time with her and plan on visiting her in Chartres, France one day!
That very next week after Claire went back to France my dad went to Utah for a funeral and brought us back 3 adorable Spearman girls! Our cousins, Mikal, Nicole and Bridget (the 3 oldest in the picture) came for a week to experience the California sun but this time, without the parents! It was a short trip but still was so fun to see how big they are and how every five minutes someone is asking "Where's Robert?" "Is Robert here yet?" "Is Robert going swimming with us?" Anytime he was out of the girls' sight it was "Where did Robert go?" I have always had a close relationship with all my first cousins but I love how much they all adore Robert too! (Hopefully soon we can go visit and see the baby twins too----ooh that Sara and Brooke....SO cute!)
We also have been enjoying this Shell Gas Station promo that if you buy at least 10 gallons of gas, and a water bottle you get a free round of golf! Robert, my dad, Chad and I went and checked out Empire Ranch and had a great time! It was only my second time on a 18-hole course. Since we bought our golf sets we've gone to the range a lot. I am a lot more consistent and Robert isn't splicing his drives as much either! I scored a 115 but had some awesome holes...just some really really crappy ones too! While I'm gone this Saturday with my parents, Jen and Alix (woo hoo birthday girl!) Robert got a bunch of buddies together and are going...so needless to say that I am VERY excited about Alix's surprise birthday gift on Saturday, still a bit bummed I don't get to go golfing with the hub on Saturday---but very excited that he promised to take me to Turkey Creek Aug. 30th!

FYI--I finished the Host almost two weeks ago now and loved it. I started up Hunger Games which was the most suggested on my last blog post, so really excited to get into those! Thanks for the replies!