So, I am the worst blogger ever! After we got home from our Utah trip I instantly downloaded the pictures of those adorable girls and never got the chance to upload them on here!!! Soon I WILL put them up though just so you can see how precious they are!
So, obviously we've been home for awhile. We had a great time in Utah and were able to visit my Uncle, Aunt and cousins and 2 of my best friends, as well as his Grandparents and extended family. It was a much needed trip and we loved every moment! We did love having Bajio at our fingertips! In 5 days we went 3 times!! We also had a blast bowling with Josh/Hill. On the way there they found some hats in the back of "the boat" (Robert's Grandma's Car). They had a little too much fun!


As for everything else, we are back just working and dreading next Monday (Aug. 31st). I start school again! I took this past Spring semester off to get married and so jumping back into the swing of things is not only hard but will be busy! I'll be working full time 7am-4pm and then running off straight to school until almost 8-9pm every weeknight. We'll see how it goes!
This past weekend I was able to see some of my best friends!! They came in town for our friend, Alena's wedding! Sarah was so gracious as to send me some pictures.
My adorable husband and I!!

Krista, me, Bethany, & Sarah

Krista & I
This weekend we also attended a birthday party for Justin & Sarah Kelley. Afterwards we had a blast in the Arcade! We had my purse packed full of tickets and little kids were all commenting on how many tickets we had and how "cool" we were! Robert & I got addicted to "Deal or No Deal" and are very grateful we are not gamblers!!!!! I also took a picture of Robert's best win!!! The tickets kept coming and coming for a basketball game we played!